bot bugs out on integration
# 🤝help
Hello, I am not sure if this is my fault, but in the emulator the bot never bugs out like this, only on the integration. Sometimes, when a user replies to a listening card that is followed by a second listening card, the second one does not display until the user types something, then it displays and goes further down the node right away. This causes wrong data capture and is really confusing, as everything seems normal according to the log.
Hey @glamorous-eye-55031 which integration are you using?
Hey Gordy, I’m using the webchat integration into a custom website
Okay. And your bot's capture cards are either not capturing the user's reply or skipping over it entirely? Does this happen in the emulator, too?
The bot is capturing, but displays the question only after there is an input, hence the wrong data capture. It doesn't happen in the emulator.
I'm thinking that when the bot sends a message, in the emulator you can see that the answer is there but still loading for a second, so maybe when this happens in the webchat, it is still loading. So maybe if the user enters an input too quickly it bugs out and doesn't send the message but is waiting for the input? Then once the input is sent it goes through and displays the message, input is there so capture captures last input and goes on with the flow. I did wait pretty long for the message to display, though. Only my thoughts 😄
Here on the left in the emulator, it works fine, the second picture is not correct behavior

yes, if the user enters another message too quickly it will impact the bot's flow
Well, that is not the case apparently, the bot just stops there and I can wait endlessly..
I checked the time between the messages, the second message was sent 2 minutes later, so it shouldn't be the case of responding too fast
strange. Could you hit the "report a problem" button and share the number?

of course, will do, thanks
here's the report id: ef04a531-9439-4e51-8012-a7103da97868
hmm I'm having trouble loading your bot from that report. Did you tick the option to include a bot export?
Oh, it was ticked, weird. Ticked both options, I can try to send it over again
Sorry, I wasn't at my computer for a while, here's the new id (bot export and details ticked, hope it works now): 608f5de0-6f40-4324-b7ac-caa7a5e0722a