Why does the chatbot produce inaccurate answers? H...
# 🤝help
I created a knowledge base with the proper description of the new knowledge base. The problem is when I ask it "How many steps are there in ____" It will answer "There are 2 steps in the _____" But the correct answer is 9 steps. How do I solve this innacuracy?
Hey @quick-keyboard-4498, LLMs are still weak on reasoning tasks in general. So if you list 9 steps in your KB, then ask "how many steps?" the model can give inaccurate answers. You can improve this by explicitly stating this information in your knowledge base, like "There are 9 steps. They are...."
I've found that the AI stinks at: A) math. Math must be allocated to code blocks if precision is needed. B) parsing documents for the knowledge base that are full of tables/charts/graphs. The words are scraped but stored in a scrambled way. I've had to make sure that all my knowledge base information is stored as blunt, simple, straight forward facts.
I wonder if there's a way to make knowledge bases more verbose
you can try modifying the Knowledge agent's prompt here to get it to explain its reasoning or be more verbose


Thanks man! Also, is there a way to correct the chatbot if it answers incorrectly? Is there a term for that?
There's not a way to explicitly do this in Botpress right now, no. But there's other things you can try, like: * Adding or removing knowledge sources * Adding a plain text source with the information * Adding more of the correct information into your AI task or knowledge source