Knowledge bot acting up
# 🤝help
Hello all - I am trying to set up my first chatbot and am failing miserably. I followed all the videos on the topic from Botpress yet still not getting any results. My goal for the bot is to feed it with a knowledebase (I started with Criminal Code of our country since its available freely) and then ask it questions about it. I do want this to work in Slovene, not english. I tried a few approaches; 1. from a "question asnwering bot" template - failed; does not find any results at all. (I made sure to turn the knowegdebase ON on start node and on the center one) 2. start from blank, make a card with "wait for input" -> "query knowledbase" and again no resullts. I managed to get it to answer to one very specific question but later it failed to answer to that same question, worded exactly the same. So, I'm confused. I would really appreciate some examples of a bot that works. Thanks!
there are different ways to go about it #1120796649686573086
check my bot there
Make sure the KB and everything else is in the same language as the one you are going to be messaging it in.
I did that - not sure if I missed something. I've used the same language in the question to the bot as well as the knowledgebase. And as said, it did retrieve correct information ONCE and now I cannot get it to work anymore. It was a very specific question and it asnwered with "I dont have an answer for this question" to all other questions.. I will keep kicking it, thanks!
Update: it returned TWO answers, then ended conversation. So it IS somewhat working for a while!
Could you share the bot so i can take a look and get an idea of what is going on?
I'd love to if I knew how. I saw people sharing bpz files but I do not know neither how to open them or make them..
does this make it any clearer? I suspect the "always" card should be connected somewhere back on top? Is it possible to just loop it and connect it back to the wait for user input?

on the end block

Its returning two answers because you are using the Query Knowledge card plus you have the knowledge base activated in that node
either delete the card or disable the knowledge base in the node
That makes sense! Thanks!
I managed to open an examplary one from @adorable-whale-86571 and I gained hope that those bots CAN work 😄 And I also see a ton of cards and actions that I know nothing about - so not a surprise my bot is not working.
i see in the bot you shaed
that you should replace the wait for user input
for a raw input
ok, no problem, do you know whats the difference?
I mean; when should I use which? because I got this from a course somewhere on yt probably
Wait for user input just waits for the user to type something
Honestly i don't know for sure, but i believe that card is just to wait, it doesn't validate the user input or save it anywhere
Raw input will ask a question such as "What do you want to know" then the user can respond to that
you can store the result in a variable with the raw input
AAhh, got it! What I'll do is just delete all the resources from the bot from ratking and change it with my pdf file, would that work already? Probably not since it's not in Slovene?
Just make it in slovene
If i was you
I would go to the botpress youtube channel
And watch some videoes
To get a general understanding
yeah, I did that and learned almost nothing so I decided to tackle it on a case, a simple one
yes you can do that just experiment a bit with that one until you get it, i can send you some more complex bots privately if you wish
But I understand it is exhausting to teach somebody the pure basics. And I am infinitely thankful you took your time 🙂
yes you are right, i also think you will learn more by actually doing things, also using the search bar in the help section can save you a lot of headaches haha
awesome. Ratking, Decay, stay golden! Immabouta go into some botmaking with this new knowledge. I'll report back. 🙂
great, good luck, can't wait to see what you are going to achieve 😄
Good luck. I would recommend this video:

. Its pretty thorough and he makes it easy to understand
I watched the from this guy and bookmarked it as the next tool to try out. I choose botpress because of the Slack integration that I would need (hopefuly that is possible, I've read it is :D) Thanks, will check it out!
guys and girls - we have touchdown! It works! I do have a few questions still: 1. sometimes it asks me "do you have any more questions?" and sometimes it gives me two options "accept" and "deny" to that same question. How come? I would want it to always ask me various "any more question" question, is that possible?

also a funny thing I just noticed! I asked it what is the 50. point in the Code about and it responded that it's NOT about speeding (which I've asked about before in the chat).. WIERD!
if you want it to answer strictly from KB don't use AI Task
another mindblown moment I see. Why do I want to use Ai Task?
or i mean you can, but then you need to set it up for that
ill show you an example
this is a bot i made for that same usecase, with legal documents from my country

as you see to answer questions i only put a raw input and i enabled knowledge bases in that node
thats enough to answer strictly from kb
ok - so no Ai task and no SendMsgToChatbotUser.. But how do you answer then if you dont have thhose two? You have them on the node to the right, right?
I see those two are basically looped between eachother. Can I just loop one? I dont see sense in having two of the same? Missing something?

if you leave your bot as it is
and you delete the ai task
you will see
but disable the kb answering in the node
since you probab ly have the manual answering enabled
I did what you said except I turned kb on all nodes ON, because otherwise it had no responses - it said that KB is disabled on that node. And I do have manual answeing enabled. Not sure I did anything by deleting the Ai tasks, I'll test it out further!
this is my bot 😄

as i mentioned you need to disable the manual answering to get the answers
with the method i explained
or you can leave manual answering on, disable knowledge answering in all nodes and get the answers from Query Knowledge Base + text card with {{turn.KnowledgeAgent.answer}}
not true - if I dissable manual AND kb answering in the node, then there is nothing to give answers?
maybe try it before you say it's not true
aaa, got it!!
yeah, not true FOR ME, sorry to sound arogant
no worries haha
all good
I ignored the green Aa. on the cards - but in fact those are the answercalling cards
so they act as a replacement of the "knowledge leraning" off/on for the whole node?
yeah it took me a while to grasp this
it's my day 0. 😄 I have hope.
yes exactly, if u have knowledge off in the node, then you gotta call that card
and if you have knowledge on in the node and nothing but a raw inpout
it will answer directly from KB
no need for anything else
just having that on and a input card will return an answer
and if you have manual answering on then this will not happen
because in that case you always have to call the card
no matter if the KB knowledge is enabled in the node or not
Dude, my "mistake" was not hitting the SAVE button on the kb settings.. GSUS!!
it has happened to me an embarrasing amount of times with the integrations
where im trying my hardest to connect webhooks, API's and stuff to realize i didnt switch the "enable" button 🤣
one more for today and then I stop I promisse. Is there a way to ask it followup questions? Now it seems like it forgets what was the previous questions about..
Use the summary agent.