Incosistency answers?
# 🤝help
The chat bot we created is giving highly incosistent answers is this normal? Some way to fix this? For example a question like "How do I contact you" It is often giving correct answer but sometimes it could be something completely diffrent
Fix you KB
Its most likely very messy. Most likely the descriptions of your KB's are also poorly.
Is it wise to have one big document or many small? Im thinking it would be easier having the description to choose right info with more documents?
Many small
Also in diffrent KB's

Those are the ones that i have
Will try , thanks
In the description do you mention the KB or the document?
"Check In and Check Out" is a comprehensive knowledge base that accurately indicates the times when guests can check in and out of Dancamps Trelde Næs. This knowledge base provides clear information about the process, both for those with reservations and for those who wish to book on arrival. In addition, it contains important details regarding booking pitches. The chatbot will prioritize answers from this source when users ask about check-in and check-out times and reservations at Dancamps Trelde Næs.
That is translated from danish to english keep that in mind
already seems to work better 😄