Zapier cards not showing in menu after being activ...
# šŸ¤help
I installed the zapier integration to my account but the cards won't show. I don't see the "Send data to zapier" or "Event from zapier" cards after enabling the zapier integrattion. This is even after having @famous-zoo-73118 personally look into my account and confirm the cards should be there. How would this get fixed? Solution Attempts: Clearing browser cache, Using Different Browsers (Firefox, Edge, Chrome). Interesting enough, I have a different account which Abe also installed zapier cards, and they show in the card list on that account.ā–¾ā–¾ā–¾

@cold-leather-46714 Could you check again? Looks like there was an issue I overlooked earlier.
I've double checked and your account (the one using your gmail address) should have access to the Zapier cards now
Thanks, Abe! It's on there now.ā–¾ā–¾

Hello there @User I have the same problem and tried the same solutions, and i don't have the cards I have signed up through gmail
Hey @breezy-airline-16418, I'll give you access to the trigger feature. Just send me a dm with the email of your account. šŸ™
@breezy-airline-16418 you should have access now
Thank you very much @colossal-egg-20510! Iā€™ll check it out ASAP and let you know
Still nothing @colossal-egg-20510ā–¾

No ā€œSend to Zapierā€ neither ā€œEvent from Zapierā€ @User
@breezy-airline-16418 I just looked at the user list for the trigger access and looks like I edited the list at the same time my colleague did. We his changes overrode mine. You should have access now I made sure you were added and doubled check again. To be sure it is working properly make sure to have the integration enabled and that the email you sent me is the one of your Botpress account. (You can verify on the dashboard when clicking on your profile at the top right)
Still nothing I have created a new bot, activated the integration, done the procedure also through Zapier, and nothing happened. The email is correctā–¾

I only have the "Event from Zapier" on the trigger node. I need the "Send to Zapier" and "Event from Zapier" also on the Standard Node, as everybody else has