webchat UI Issue for Mobile
# šŸ¤help
Hi all, a handful of us reported an issue on Friday since the webchat was updated. When the webchat is opened it does not take 100% of the screen where it used to. It also strays left of the screen cropping out around 20px of the webchat. None of these were issues before Friday, and nothing was changed my end. Also what happened to the download transcript button, and that chat list icon? I really hope this can be fixed or a solution provided for it as dodgy looking UIā€™s never look good.
Hey @freezing-carpenter-9818 !
Can you please send me your report ID?
So we can reproduce the issue
Iā€™m not sure how it can be recreated other than deploying a chat bot and using it on mobile, can I dm you the screenshots?
Thanks I have sent them overā€¦ In the screen shots, you can see one has a perfect fit within the window and the other is not full screen and off center. The perfect fit was before the update
Did you use CSS to align everything (prior to Friday)?
Did you try to republish your bot on the channel?
Yes I used the advanced css to publish bot since a while ago and it hasnā€™t been changed. I did try to fix the issue by using the normal styler and publishing it that way but the issue was not resolved which made me think it was a backend issue. Then I spoke to the sly and he said to change to v0 which I tried and also didnā€™t work
Can you send me a screenshot of a bot you guys test with on mobile?
Hey @freezing-carpenter-9818 Can you dm me the pre-configured/ configurable script?
Sure @bright-magazine-792 give me a little while, itā€™s bank holiday here in the UK. Also, nice to meet you, heard a lot of good things about you!
You're in good hands with @bright-magazine-792.