WhatsApp Integration
# 🤝help
Please tell me, I connected to WhatsApp according to your instructions, however, for some reason I get answers only from the test number, plus to everything, I can add only 5 numbers. It looks like this: I write on WhatsApp (to my permanent number), after which I receive a response from the test number, which begins with (+1). As a result, no more than 5 numbers can be written to the bot, which I have to associate with the test number. How can this be fixed? How to use the bot on a regular basis?



is the new number registered on the WhatsApp manager in https://business.facebook.com/ ?
what do the logs from botpress say when you send a message to the permanent number? I've had it that I don't get a response because there was an error
Everything is fine in the logs. I ask a question - I get an answer. But, for example, when I sent a request and the number was not added to the test database, I was not given an answer, and this, I think, is a problem. I want to write to the number and get a response from it. Moreover, I connected a permanent number through the system that BotPress offers.
@bumpy-addition-21507 can you help me?
Sorry, I have been at meetings but while I circle back to this maybe someone at @cold-motherboard-82208 could help out. @crooked-van-25152 could you maybe ask around the team
@cold-motherboard-82208 @crooked-van-25152
I need help
@bright-magazine-792 @early-train-33247 could you please have a look here?
What exactly is the issue? @stale-processor-61371 You've mentioned a few things, I lost somewhere in between on what you want to achieve/problems you're facing
I'm sorry. I realized my mistake. I did not change the Phone Number Id in the Bootpress settings, and because of this, the messages came from the test number, and not from the main one.