In regards to programing an AI task database
# 🤝help
I'm trying to create a workout regimen chat bot that will offer a work plan after user inputs time they have to workout (10 minutes, 30mins, etc.) as well as the muscle group they want to target (Full body, lower body, upper body etc.). I tried utilizing webpages and articles found online as the knowledge base, however, I found that when the AI task would perform, it would stop after one or two workouts without intervals implemented I was given advice to instead to write out the data base on a word document and utilize that as the AI's knowledge base. Is there a certain layout I should have? What I'm trying to do is get my AI task to do this: User input: 5 minutes User input: Fullbody AITAsk response: Here is a work out for a 5 minute full body routine: Push ups 40sec on/20 sec rest Sit ups 40sec on/20 sec rest Lunges 40sec on/20 sec rest High Knees 40sec on/20 sec rest Jumping jacks 40sec on/20 sec rest Is this possible by creating a word doc detailing all the possible exercises and the encouraged routine structure? Or am I asking too much of the bot?
Hi there, this is definitely possible so theres the good part
I would try a couple of things starting with: - All the possible exercises - The duration/rest for all of these - what combinations do you want to suggest? You could put this inside an execute code card and store the information in a variable which you can reference in the AI task card. Then you can ask the Ai card to come up with a plan that adheres to the max.time (user input for t ime)
an alternative way is to make some preset workout for the specific time intervals and pick one based on userinput e.g. "5 min. Variation 01" : Push ups 40sec on/20 sec rest Sit ups 40sec on/20 sec rest Lunges 40sec on/20 sec rest High Knees 40sec on/20 sec rest Jumping jacks 40sec on/20 sec rest "5 min. Variation 02" : Push ups 40sec on/20 sec rest Sit ups 40sec on/20 sec rest Lunges 40sec on/20 sec rest Pullups 40sec on/20 sec rest Muscle up 40sec on/20 sec rest
@billions-yacht-29034 Forgive me for my novice grasp on what you said, as I'm still very much new to this! But AS I understand, I would utilize prompts and then code them within a code card? Would I need to know coding? Alternatively, I currently have a raw input card for the time, would it make things much simpler if I instead offering raw input I decided to put multiple choice instead? This was what I did for muscle groups. And then from there, create a pre workout plan in a word document to act as a knowledge base?
Yes I believe you can more than use botpress for this so I don't want to overcomplicate a probably simple task. However you could use flowise to ingest a TON of data and pull exactly what you like out. This should be somewhat helpful youtube tutorial on how to create Real Estate Research Autonomous Agent using Botpress, Python and Langchain.

@microscopic-shampoo-2255 Thanks for getting back to me on this! I'll definitely look at it!
nooo prob bud