I ask the user “How can I help you” and the suppli...
# 🌎general
I ask the user “How can I help you” and the supplied input @workflow.Request stores the answer of the client to that question. As such, the user needs my help, and the @workflow.Request represents a request that the user is sending to me. Now I want to classify the request of the user. In an AI Task the bot has analysed the @workflow.Request and have classified the variable @workflow.Request. According to that classification you have given values to these 3 variables: @workflow.GETvsPOSTIntent @workflow.Tasks @workflow.Occurrence @workflow.GETvsPOSTIntent can take the following values: {Get; Post; Get & Post; none} Get  When the Request contains a Get Intent Post  When the Request contains a Post Intent Get & Post  When the Request contains a Get Intent and a Post Intent none  When the Request does not provide enough information and context for the bot to classify this variable. @workflow.Tasks can take the following values: {Maintenance; Financial Management; Administrative Management; Client Management; none} Maintenance When the Request relates to a maintenance task. Financial Management When the Request relates to a financial management task. Administrative Management  When the Request relates to an administrative management task. Client Management  When the Request relates to a client management task. none  When the Request does not provide enough information and context for the bot to classify this variable. @workflow.Occurrence can take the following values: {Scheduled; Punctual; none} Scheduled  When the Request relates to a scheduled task. Punctual  When the Request relates to a punctual task. none  When the Request does not provide enough information and context for the bot to classify this variable.