I did a good prompt, so the bot is identifying wel...
# 🌎general
I did a good prompt, so the bot is identifying well the values of the variables. These are what I call “Mandatory Variables”, I need to make sure that I got them all and I have no “none” value in any variable. If the request does not provide enough information and context for the bot to classify at least one of the 3 variables, I want the bot to ask the user a Context Question like “Can you explain with more detail?” and I want the bot to try to identify again the missing values for the variables, until there is no variable storing the value “none”. I want the bot to do as many Context Questions as he needs to have the right context to store the variables (for instance he can ask “Can you explain with more detail?” 3 or 4 times until making sure he has everything he needs to classify the variables). Anyone knows how could I do that? I am thinking about a Workflow. The workflow triggers if there is at least one “Mandatory Variables” storing the value “none”- The workflow makes as many Contexts Questions as are necessary to have enough context to classify the 3 variables. (it can be 1, 2, 3, 4…. Context questions) The workflow ends when all the 3 variables are storing values different than “none”. Thank you for your time reading this and sorry for the big question. 😊