Can I give personality to knowledge base answers?
# 🤝help
What I mean is when the knowledge base is turned on in a node, it will just give a reply from the knowledge, but can I also ask it to answer in a specific way as I do with ChatGPT?
You have two ways: 1- Give specifics in the Knowledge Agent settings 2- Activate the Personality Agent and give a tone to it (it will "translate" every single message in the tone you desire)
Thanks for a quick response. I will try both and see how it works. On a similar note, is there any description or a tutorial on how to use a ChatGPT like conversation in botpress? Meaning that I explain some things as to how it should behave and then have a conversation where the bot will ask several questions (get in a loop) until it has the variables it needs? Let me know if my questions is confusing
You can do it with AI, but it's better with capture cards. The AI is not really stable, you'll risk getting the variables wrong. If you want to use the AI at all costs, I suggest you to use an "AI task" card and give it some indications in the prompt
Do you mind if I hop in here, where are the knowledge agent settings?
On the left panel you’ll see a robot head
Click it, you’ll have all your agents
Oh I had no idea, thanks for being so quick, I found it! 😄