I’d like the possibility to add a Policy tab: the user must accept before starting the chat. That would prevent a series of legal risks, especially in Europe.
Yea, I also think this would be really useful. Maybe make it in form of like a checkbox which the user has to press/check on before starting the chat, and maybe make it so we can include our own links to privacy policies as well? Either way I think this would be a good addition.
Just add a link and ask the user to accept Yes or No.
A good 90% of users will just ignore the chatbot if they have to accept that way
A better 100% of user will ignore the chatbot if they have to agree to privacy policy with a special window or whatever
You can just add it as the first message and say "if you message us you agree to the said terms and conditions" or whatever
That would be good enough for legal stuff
No, it doesn't need to be a window. It could even be a system message, styled like the date font. Not invasive, but still present
Whats the problem with it being plain text?
It becomes part of the actual conversation. It would be better for it to be just a small reminder that users ignore