Looking for feedback on a realestate chatbot, its ...
# 🌎general
Looking for feedback on a realestate chatbot, its a work in progress so not 100% and might have bugs. * to start, type the word "ai" * the idea here is that it would be linked from the agents Instagram profile, and the message in their profile will say something like: DM me "ai" to get started * this is so the bot is trigger for a specific keyword, and is ignored if mentioned in a sentence * the focus of the bot is the Buy flow as that's most likely the high value prospects the agent would be more interested in * the rentals is low priority so the flow is shorter * questions are stored in a table database that the agent can then reference at their desire Demo: https://mediafiles.botpress.cloud/72be6ed1-0542-43eb-8013-6bed87342652/webchat/bot.html I appreciate all feedback, ideas, issues etc. It's my first bot so trying to learn as I go.