How to deploy to wordpress?
# 🤝help
I'm a bit unaware how to deploy to wordpress, where can I find embeded code, which plan do I need to upgrade too and where to style it? It's not very clear
You can find the embedded code (configurable script) on your chatbot's Integrations page.
You can style it here
You can start with the free plan: Ideal for individuals exploring AI chatbot capabilities. Includes 5 bots, 2,000 messages per month, 3 collaborators, 5,000 table rows, 100MB vector DB storage, and $5 AI credit monthly. Community support is available, and no credit card is required to start.
----- In the WordPress dashboard, go to the 'Code Snippets' menu item and click 'Headers and Footers'. Paste the embedded script in the 'Body' section and click 'Save Changes'.
Thanks how to remove anything related to bot press actually?
@astonishing-exabyte-43823 What do yo umean by remove?