Free chatbot help to university for children or st...
# 🤝help
can anyone create a chatbot for a school, or BRIEFLY GUIDE ME IN MAKING A CHATBOT for a school or university? THE BOT WILL BE FREE OF COST SO STUDENTS CAN STUDY EFFICIENTLY , LIKE A DONATION TO A UNIVERSITY FROM MY SIDE, IF ANYONE CAN DO THIS I WILL BE THANKFUL, BCZ I AM TRYING IT FOR A LONG PERIOD OF TIME BUT CANNOT FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO SO? The chat bot will be like- where in starting bot will ask whether u r a parent or a student, when someone say parent it will ask what u need help with, and there will be option like "my child is in stress due to exam how to encourage him, and question related to parents and student relation" and the hot will provide the answer and in case of students,students can ask questions related to their subject, like in starting it will say hi, hello etc and then it will ask in which class u study? And then we have to choose an option, like a student says 8th class, then bot will ask u have doubt related to which subject? Subjects will be maths,science,sst,english, Hindi, computer and then students will ask their question and it will provide the solution to the query... (Actually i am indian so u must be wondering what are classes or this subject hindi, classes are grade in which student study, and hindi is subject, i guess u should use knowledge base or ai integration for this) Pls help me with this bot, i tried too many times but cannot create a such bot...🙏
For the option part like "my child is in stress due to exam how to encourage him", are you looking to have these kinds of question handmade. Or are you trying to have something like CopilotAI's question suggestions? As of the other part I think it could be done easily, only problem being there might be errors with answers coming from your bot and you'll need a lot of storage to store some information I think, unless the AI already knows it, but then they would just have to ask ChatGPT right, so what would be the point?
Yea, but i think i will better integrate it with whatsapp because in the university or a school i am going to give my chatbot, is of slum area, people dont have gmail even they don't know what is chat gpt, but all of them have whatsapp so i can help them with that, at first i thought i will rent my bot but when i got to knew about the situation of the school i decided to help them , I think when bot asks u r a parent or a student? And somwone says parent and parent ask any question bot will answer with ai integration, and when someone says student bot ask the standard they study in? And then ask the question and bot will reply and clear the query...but i want nobody to talk rubbish or off topic to bot, like someone talk any rubbish or offtopic the bot doesn't answer like that... So pls help me.. and pls guide me to create the bot or basically create a bot for me, i will really be thankful to you, bcz i want to donate that bot to those school of slum areas... And i am not able to figure it out how to create that type of bot from a long period of time...🙏
@creamy-orange-38725 bro are u from north? Do u need the bot to reply in hindi?
@astonishing-napkin-74260 it depends on what subject they want to ask doubt about? like if they say hindi so bot will answer hindi questions... Btw i am already working on this project so just need ur guidance guys🙏
@astonishing-napkin-74260 bro u dont worry about the bot to be bilungal, i will figure it out, u just help me a little bit of what knowledge base should i add? Or what ai integration should be there?
@astonishing-napkin-74260 so that the bot will behave like a study tutor?
I can help you with any questions. You can DM me
The base concept you have is not that difficult to build
@astonishing-napkin-74260 I have sent u a request on discord...
@astonishing-napkin-74260 though the base concept is easy still i am not able yo figure out a way to do so😔
Im gonna try to build you a non completed bot just so you understand how to make the bot
I have developed a quite basic bot but the bot is not able to perform ai but the bot is not able to perform ai integeration part😞
If u say i can share the bot export file with u@glamorous-guitar-39983
And u can further modify it by correcting the error...