Knowledge Base appears to not be working
# 🤝help
I have uploaded documents to my knowledge base successfully. When I test it by asking questions the Knowledge base is not being referenced and it appears that the KB is frozen What do I do? #KnowledgeBaseAssistance
@crooked-van-25152 here is the pic
@crooked-van-25152 and when I go to the KB and ask it a question, it never responds, it doesnt even say it cant find the answer. Have I exhausted my free account?
Try adding a Querry Knowledge bases card
After your cards: what would you like to know
Let me know if this works!
@crooked-van-25152 unfortunately it didnt:
@crooked-van-25152 does this have anything to do with it?
That is probanly the issue here.
You need to increase you AI spend
As you are maxed out
I added a credit card, is there a video to show me how to increase?
then hit: Manage Subscription
and you should be good after that!
Personnellement j'ai besoin d'un accompagnement en français pas à pas pour comprendre les différentes sections et cartes de botpress #1132038253109837994
Parce que toutes les vidéos sont en anglais, du coup je regarde l'image sans que le son ne me soit bénéfique, alors que image et son font 100% ensemble et j'ai plein de questions #1116045108614287380
@crooked-van-25152 Thank you for your assistance last night?
Malheureusement tous nos vidéos sont en anglais, si tu as des questions hésite pas à les écrire dans #1111009377525186570 !
You are welcome!
Everything is working fine now @miniature-hospital-65370 , right?
@crooked-van-25152 Yes everythign is working fine now!!! But how do i check my actual bot statistics? Mine are all blank
Could you please start a new thread and tag me 🙂 ?
Just don't want to mix things up
as this is a new issue