chatbot prematurely ends
# 🤝help
Hi I setup my chat bot with a welcome message in a text card and I have a capture information card where I ask a question to my user below that. When I go to test my chat bot it ends the conversation after my welcome text. Anyone able to help?
Could you send pictures of your bot set up, a view from the botpress editor (where you set up all your cards and nodes)
i thought maybe it was something that needed to be enabled in the agent so i enabled html agent but that didnt fix the problem
can you send me the code you used in your expression cards
HITL agent is not required I see after the welcome message you have a capture card followed by two expression cards one pointing to a node where city details etc are happening, while the second one you are still building up. In the expression cards in the "if answer is abc" is "answer" the variable in which you are storing the value the user enters? ideally it should have been something like workflow.answer It would be good to see the logs as well. As well as the capture card configuration
Need to mention that your single choice doesn't get you anywhere except if you type something else than the choices in the chat like dfghgfsdhsfgdfgs
It is the little circles besides the single choice that you need to link
expression card
i linked the answers from the 2 circles in the expression cards not from the capture info, is that the right way to do it?
I'm pretty sure your error is on the first node
I'm gonna send you a picture of what I would do
Your expression cards are useless
btw I do not even think that the code in your expression cards were used the right way If you really really wanted to use expression cards you could have stored the variable of the single choice inside workflow.input, and then make 2 expression cards : workflow.input === 'Buy' workflow.input === 'Sell'