pls help with Ai knowledge base
# 🤝help
I am not able warp my head around this. I am trying to build reverse bot, a bot that ask questions and user responds to it. I have added rich text with instruction and questions in knowledge base. I am not able to understand how do I ask AI to refer this knowledge base and ask question to the user. I am new so reference material or guidance will be really help, already spent two days trying to figure out. I checked videos and docs.
Hello @curved-laptop-2359, help me understand the overall purpose of the bot. What I understand so far is the bot is supposed to ask the user questions. Help understand to what end. Is this for market research?
Yes, it’s for conducting in-depth interviews. I will have set of questions but also use AI/Chatgpt to ask dynamically based knowledge base and user responses.
Alright let's take a step back for a minute. Knowledge bases are for answering factual questions. For example you could have a website, or pdf going over 10 top health conditions affecting cats ove 20. The bot could then use that information to help answer questions people pose to it. You can also use tables to store information and make columns searchable. If you only want set questions being asked you could put them in a table and direct the bot via a knowledge base query card to help sort out which FU would be fit the users' response. However, if it does not have to be a specific set of follow up questions, I would almost lean toward a AI Generate Text card, which does not use a knowledge base, and use it to generate follow up questions when appropriate in the conversation. This would require a good bit of prompt engineering on your side. There is a free 1 hour course offered by datacamp that gives a good overview of prompt engineering, as well as other resources online you could dig into to craft the prompts you would need. I hope this helps let me know if you have any other questions.
Thank you for the detailed response. Much appreciated! Let me try this and see how it goes.
you are most welcome. Let me know if you have any questions.