issues with whatsapp Start conversation
# 🤝help
Can u guys plz enlighten me?? i cant figure what i'm doing wrong??
Remove []
message has been deleted
@limited-pencil-78283 still not working
Here is a successful message log - Successfully started Whatsapp conversation with template "orderstatus" and language "en_US" using template variables: ["Usha","79546000007734003","2024-02-17T11:14:00+05:30","Ultra Gel (1)","In Progress"] My bad I asked to remove the brackets. To successfully send the values, it should be JSON formatted try something like this ["${{workflow.nome}", "${{}}","${{}}"] if this does not work - in an execute card create an string variable workflow.wajson =
["${{workflow.nome}", "${{}}","${{}}"]
and then pass @workflow.wajson in Templates variables JSON Here is my working code for reference - workflow.jsonarray =
[ "${customerData.First_Name}", "${}", "${taskInfo.Created_Time}", "${taskInfo.Subject}", "${taskInfo.Status}" ]
for the log I shared above
I see it is missing the grave accent here is an image for reference
the grave accent is required to ensure the double quotes and brackets are part of the string
tls man