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# 🤝help
Under Configuration Variables for my bot, I have this error message instead. Oddly, it seemingly allows Saving. But I don't know what it is or could be saving. I would like to have secret variables, such as user passwords, stored in a table. I was hoping this would automatically hash them for me or something like that.
You can find the configuration variables under settings, Configuration variables are a special kind of secure bot Variable. They can also be managed from the Cloud Dashboard without opening the bot. Configuration variables can store secrets like: API Tokens Private IP Addresses Database usernames and passwords You can read more about them here:
Ok, so I got this error because I have not created one yet under Chatbot Settings on the bot itself? I guess I misunderstood the sentence, "They can also be managed from the Cloud Dashboard without opening the bot." That actually means only after you have created it in the Bot itself.
You have to add them to your bot before to set them on the dashboard.