Intent / AI Transition doesn't work
# 🤝help
My bot is triggered with a users message from Telegram and it should check if the message contains a request for a meeting. So, it doesn't work, it always act like there is a request even if there's none. Am I doing something wrong or it's just buggy?
Does it work fine in the emulator?
sometimes yes, mostly no
and I have to input twice. how to correctly capture the first message? I'm extracting from history but it's still waiting for the input
I'm now capturing the first input like this:
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const input = conversation.SummaryAgent.transcript
workflow.question = input
it solved the first message problem. But the transition is still giving the right direction in 20% of the situations
what is inside your AI Transition card? (Text to categorize)
I am not sure if it's the same on telegram but in the Webchat you can't have an empty raw input card. You can use the, wait for input card instead. To capture the first update from the user you can use the event.preview. That variable stores the users latest message
so like this:
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const input = event.preview
workflow.question = input
variableName = event.preview
Like workflow.variableName = event.preview
okay, thanks. Any suggestions about ai transition?
Add more categories or add something to handle failure