Bot beginning chats with "Bot:"
# 🤝help
As title states - bot begins a response with "bot:" - how to make this stop happening?
Hey Can you send a screenshot of the message that it begins with + a screenshot of the beginning of your workflow
Also do you have the personality agent on?
@astonishing-park-57804 my guess would be it's something with your personality agent, if you prompt something like: "You are a bot" maybe it will understand that "bot" is the name of the virtual assistant or something like that... Try sending some screenshots of the main workflow and the conversations where this problems happens
@ambitious-vr-9887 @fresh-fireman-491 thx so much. Bouzas I think you may be right. But I fixed with negative prompts.
great to know @astonishing-park-57804 , sometimes there are many ways to solve the same problem, when everything is working well expect for one specific thing, I always try a micro workaround instead of trying a macro change that might affect other aspects of the bot