I can't upload any PDFs to the KB in the new prici...
# 🤝help
After uploading a PDF to the workspace, I got a big problem. Initially, the system is uploading one file, but after some time, the system displayed two files instead of one, both named 'untitled.' Subsequently, a third and even a fourth file appeared unexpectedly and finally the system gives an error "Document failed to process. job stalled more than allowable limit" the PDF has 7MB and the chatbot said before uploading that I am using 0% of the total storage, so it is not a capacity problem. In the previous version of the workspace, managing files with the knowledge base (KB) functioned relatively smoothly. However, following recent changes to the KB, which included the disappearance of descriptions among other modifications, and the migration to a new workspace with the new pricing I am now facing difficulties in creating a chatbot using my own data. I am totally stopped and I can not develop my chatbot. Please HELP!
Can you make the PDF document into a word document and try with that instead?
Or paste all of the text from the PDF into a rich text KB
@fresh-fireman-491 Thanks for your assistance. I attempted to convert the document into a Word file, but unfortunately, that didn't resolve the issue either. Currently, I'm using the PDF to rich text solution, but it falls short as I can't name the rich texts, making it less than ideal. I'm curious to know if this is a widespread problem. I haven't seen others mentioning similar issues. Is there a known solution that would allow me to simply upload my PDFs directly? or are you planning to update the software to solve these problems? Thanks again for your help!
I will redirect someone from the team to here to help answer those good questions 🙂
Hello @fast-gold-12984
Are you able to delete the documents you have in your KB?
thanks @fresh-fireman-491
@crooked-van-25152 yes i am
Can you try again and save the document as one of the following format?
And try to upload the document again
@crooked-van-25152 Sorry I have to change my previous answer. Despite being able to delete the PDF, it still appears in my used storage. For instance, I recently attempted to upload three different documents, but none of them worked. After deleting all related files, the system continues to indicate that my chatbot has utilized 80.6% of the available storage space. Responding to your last message, I attempted both .pdf and .docx formats, but neither worked. It's important to note that these same files functioned correctly in the previous workspace
I'll transfer this message to the Product team. Are you able to share any error messages that you get when uploading the PDF?
@fast-gold-12984 can you please send a report ID?
The team will look into your workspace.
Please share the ID here 🙂
Hello @crooked-van-25152 , done! The report ID for reference is e4ea9eb4-0968-4b9b-be36-6f2b52467457. I made multiple attempts, so I'm reporting the details of the final one for clarity. During this attempt, one of the PDFs unexpectedly duplicated itself, and I encountered an error message stating "Document failed to process. Job stalled more than allowable limit." This seems to be a pertinent example of the issue. In other trials, I just received notifications that I had exceeded the storage limit after the chatbot inadvertently created multiple "untitled" copies (2-3-4) of the same document.
Thank you for the clear explanation @fast-gold-12984
@colossal-activity-12523 will look into this tomorrow.
Thank you @crooked-van-25152
Hey @fast-gold-12984 just wanted to update you on your issue. An engineer looked into what was happening. There's an issue with the processing of the document, we are working on a solution! I'll keep you posted as soon as I hear more.
Hello everyone. I have 3 problems. 1 - It is impossible to delete this bot: https://studio.botpress.cloud/4012f974-410c-4716-883f-6ae09e84db3f 2 - It is impossible to report a problem: "An error occurred while submitting the report. An error occurred with your deployment (Status code: 504)." 3 - It is impossible to delete Vector DB Storage. Who can help me please ?
Please start a new thread so we don't pollute other people's thread 🙂