What im supposed to do inorder to fetch data from ...
# 🤝help
hello fellow botfriends, how do I get parameters values from an URL and save those values as variables to use them in other nodes? for example, if the url is "google.com?name=james", i need to extract the "james" value and save it as a variable so that, for example, the first message of the bot would be "hello james!".
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { let currentUrl = window.location.href; console.log("Current URL: " + currentUrl); let url = new URL(currentUrl); let searchParams = new URLSearchParams(url.search); let name = searchParams.get('name'); if(name) { console.log("Hello " + name + "!"); } else { console.log("Name parameter not found in URL."); } });
Add that JavaScript to your website code.
And you will see something like this
thx for the help but the things is that im used the studio version, so basically i need to put this code in a node, i actually read in the docs that i can actually use Hooks to setup action before an event occours. But im trying to figure all out, im i missing something?
You can use hooks to setup an action before an event but I don't think that you can read the url from the chatbot
so this is the real life scenario, an external file calls the bot via a redirect calling , now before the conversation starts i need to fetch the data in the url and store them(the urls are dynamic)
From the website URL that the bot is on or do you have an URL in the redirect calling?
the bot is not in the same website, ill try to reformulate the issues: after the redirect, the user lands on the bot page, that page has the URL with the parameters I should fetch
If you are trying to do something like this:
@quick-musician-29561 just fixed my problem with it so it now works if you want to try it out🛠️
Make sure to put in your own BotID, ClientID and WebhookID
ok thx, one more question where im supposed to put this script? cause as i said im using the cloud version so im actually working with nodes, should i put the function handleUrl inside an "execute code" block?
I added an index.html file for you which is just for a template. You would have to add it to your own JavaScript on your website
so basically i need to add it on my client side? right? and after that how im supposed to fetch the url?
Depends on how your website is setup but yes most likely.