alsalam alaicom brothers i have a question
# 🤝help
I'm a beginner I intend to create bots powered by artificial intelligence for my local gaming industries Big companies have a lot of products and work not that much but they are cool I live in north Africa i could not find a way to add links or photos to the products so I did it manually by the card that gives Options like scroll and see all the products whith photos and links and i add another option that you type a name of single product and it gives you only its price and details and i will add on it delivery take like connect botpress to make still don't now how put i will learn it is there any things i can offer in the bot with Products info and delivery service Any advice i will pray to you all and i want any advice to how can I charge on my bot to them Best of luck to you all think you.
If you don't want to help him, there is no reason for you to respond to his message. Your message is not okay at all and it's not helpful at all. He didn't bring religion into it he was just trying to get help.
That is great and I would love to help you. I don't have alot of time but I will do my best and then we can catch up later today to finish it. You can try using the carousel card. I think it would solve your problem with you not being able to add links or photos to the products. I don't have alot of experience but if you want I could send you some video tutorials from YouTube where they explain Make pretty good and you will learn to incorporate Botpress into make. I think you should try to play around with AI transitions also. I think you will find that they can do alot of the things you want to do. I have to get back from work now, but in 6 hours I'm home again and would love to hop on a call with you and help you more there.
That would be great man think you
What is your time zone? So we can find a suitable time to talk
Thanks guys ❤️