Freelancer for FB integration
# 🤝help
I'm looking for paid help to integrate botpress to my company's FB. I've managed to link the webhook to botpress and got the demo going but can't understand how to get it to live or get past the permissions. Anyone offering this service?
Hey @little-scientist-91622 have you seen ? That's where we keep an index of certified people and agencies that are experts with Botpress
Can also call upon the @Users, many of them are already on /experts already
@little-scientist-91622 I am a botbassador and certfied expert. (Adam Ludolph with Ai Simp) happy to chat
Yeah I didn't know about that part of the site! Thanks!
I can help you with that, just sent you a DM @little-scientist-91622
If you add me as friend, we can have a chat an hop on a quick call to discuss it
@little-scientist-91622 I find myself in a similar predicament. I assumed you have gone thru this process: If not this is pretty good start. However to launch my app I need to be able to actually verify my business which is in its infancy maybe you are more established. Once that is done the permissions to allow others to talk to the bot in messenger is offered in the business suite permissions @brainy-summer-1041 I typed all this out so I am just going to send it I hope they reach out to you as this may or may not have anything to do with the issue at hand