Problems with the Template
# 🤝help
Hello everyone. I downloaded a template from this video (Deploy GPTs to Any Website or Messaging Channel with OpenAI Assistants) [

]. I installed it. Everything is working superbly! However, when I start adding my own steps to this template, it stops functioning. Specifically, I need to insert an initial message that will be automatically sent when a dialogue is initiated. After that, the template should continue to operate in a cyclic manner, as intended. But this isn't happening; after the first message from GPT, the second one does not arrive. What could be the issue? Please help. I am just starting out in this field, so more detailed explanations would be greatly appreciated.
Hey @acceptable-gold-88171 ! Do you think you could please have a look at this thread? 🙂
Can anyone help me? Please...
Any resolution to this? I have experienced a similar issue.
@strong-agent-68897 Have you tried this recently? I tried this same workflow, and it worked ok on my end.
Hey @great-application-99822 are you trying to deploy you GPT to a website? What are you trying to achieve?
Hi @crooked-van-25152 I did deploy a GPT using an OpenAI API Assistant. I was initially able to get the template to work while adding an initial message from Botpress, but it started bugging out so I ended up just eliminating the welome message from the chatbot. Not a perfect UX to start with a blank screen, but it doesn't appear that users have been thrown off too much by it.
c Did you give this extension a try? Let me know if you have the same issue!
I haven't, but I will. Thanks for the suggestion.
You're welcome!
Hi @crooked-van-25152, I just watched the video for the Botpress extension. Looks neat, though it doesn't address the issue of the chatbot serving up a welcome message to the user.
@acceptable-gold-88171 would there be a way to include this part (see the message above). ⬆️