Export and Import folder and workflow.
# 👀feature-requests
I think a LOT of issues with people having import/export could be worked around if it would be able to import and exports workflows individually. Then a nagency could start building a worfklow library and update workflows (especially if the import can be told not to deal with the existing KB's). Need a calendar booking function in your existing robot? let's add the workflow and replace the crappy wrofklow you have for that. Treating workflows as the importable building block would allow a lot of scenarios to just happen. And when exporting - please allow one to ignore kb content or even kb names (for a folder) so that one can export one from bot a to put it into bot b 😉
that would be neat... 👀
Yeah, i thought about how to enable mainteannce - upgrading etc. It is a LOT easier if you build up the bot in modules in folders then can replace the whole worfklow. Just replace workflow, wire up input and exit, done - right now you leave users at a dead end with mainteannce. I do not want to redo the whole bot or manually transfer changes just because one feature is changed.
Yes exactly would be great and I almost had a solution just buy copy pasting workflow nodes to another bot, it works but the only problem is that the nodes get lost in the workflow as we can not zoom under 25% see my post: https://discord.com/channels/1108396290624213082/1160794535484469268