Copy a workflow from one bot to another bot
# 👀feature-requests
I have a workflow that captures and does verifications on email, names, company etc. I now have another bot where I want to use that same workflow - it would be great to be able to copy/paste.
Do you want to copy the whole workflow?
I workaround for this would be to export and then import your bot for that second chatbot. (if you haven't started the 2nd bot)
@crooked-van-25152 No, I have 2 fairly complex bots. I actually want to combine them into one bot. I have about 10 workflows in each bot. So, manually combining them will be a pain.
@early-train-33247 can you help here? 🙂
@famous-jewelry-85388 here is the feature request I mentioned. Any thoughts on a workaround? One thought would be to export a workflow (same way you can export a bot), And then import into a new workflow. This would actually be a good way to have templates for workflows also that users could share with each other.
do you want to only copy workflows?
Yes, I want to copy workflows from one bot to another.
If it is a one-time thing, I can help, send me both bots and I will look into it
@famous-jewelry-85388 Awesome - how should I send them to you?
send me a direct message here in Discord, or just drop it here (in case you don't mind everyone seeing them)
No promises, I will jsut take a look and see if I can do it
@famous-jewelry-85388 Hey Bassam, did you see my message on this. Thanks for looking at it
Hey, I didn't forget
I was just busy
which flows do you want to copy from which bot and to which bot
Hey Bassam! I want to copy all of the workflows from the Hopp Creator Bot into the NerdRecruiter bot. I want to do this because we now want this to be just one bot instead of two.
Can you list their names please? there are hidden flows and I don't want to break something
I am not too worried about you breaking anything. I have made backup copies of each bot by exporting them and importing them back to a blank bot
This is a feature I'd love. Exporting and importing workflows
@chilly-church-46005 The team is working on it 🙂