Up/down arrow functionality
# 👀feature-requests
Adding to what was mentioned at https://discord.com/channels/1108396290624213082/1168655566114128014/1168655566114128014. The current up/down arrow behavior is useful for testing, but not so much for real-world use cases. Is it possible to add a configuration flag to the bot to modify this behavior?
This has been reported, fixed then reverted. Devs please correct this as its not a pleasant user experience.
Checking in on progress of this feature request. The up-down arrow behavior remains an issue for our users trying to type in longer responses; would be great to have a config option to allow the arrows to work normally (as they do when typing a reply in Discord for example).
@famous-jewelry-85388 Can you look into this?
Hi, I was busy and I wasn't checking Discord. @breezy-painter-58965 are you still facing that?
@famous-jewelry-85388 Yes, this is still happening.
Maybe make it something we can enable/disable. Else at least keep it in the emulator as its great for testing quickly
Indeed, that's what I'm suggesting.
any progress on this feature request? can we have an option to turn off the up/down arrow behavior, so users can use up/down to move between lines, as they do in most modern UIs (including ChatGPT and Discord)?