Web Automation Card
# 👀feature-requests
I'm not sure if this is possible but it would be really good if botpress had a section of cards that helps in web automation, something like zipper or make.com built right inside the botpress, it will make it a lot more easier to build and manage bots in one place.
Hey there I have actually thought about the same. Botpress has the Zapier integration for Zapier so you can use that easily. Devmik has a lot of great tutorials on how to use make.com which I think will help you a lot. I will try and look into creating a make.com integration as I think it would be pretty easy
Yeah, I've seen that and those tutorials are really helpful, but I was thinking it there was an in-built automation in botpress, so like we can just create the automation inside the bot editor. and it would also be a good feature to have on botpress. they can have pay as you go plan for the number of automation.