Being able to order a product from the bot
# 👀feature-requests
so if a user wants to buy from the bot they type their payment info and can buy
Be careful here - especially with AI use. Big fan of AI here, but you run into legal issues easily. And payment info better does not inlucde credit card or botpress iscertified by the card company.
mabye thats why we talk to botpress about this
botpress cna not really chang anything. If you do that OUTSIDE of AI you are NOT even fine - not if the user has to enter cc informaion, there are standards that you sign up with, like not storing cc anywhere (not in logs!) outside of very limtied use cases (mostly around last 4 digits), and having a separate infrastructure to handle this - if you talk about only the order, then the slightest mistake will mean the order is invalid.
i dont understadn you man
use small words
i understand now