Workflow Zoom out more then 25%
# 👀feature-requests
Would be good to zoom out to see the full workflow space because I realize when you copy past a node from another project it is placed anywhere on the workspace and if you click on center zoom you can lose your nodes and need to search my moving around and it is not easy to find
Maybe the possibility to target specific nodes would be a good solution too. Since the nodes are given names, could have on the sidebar the possibility to list the nodes of the workflow just like we have the workflow variables, and on pressing the name of the node the screen jumps to that node the way it is shown centered.
Maybe something like Photoshop's navigator also can work
I just figured out that if you select just one node you can write click and copy, then you change workflow , click on a position on the workflow space, right click and past, and the pasted node will be in that exact position but if you select multiple nodes by shift and drag over when you right click you no longer have copy but you can shortcut ctrl c to copy and a popup shows you have copied 2 nodes for example, then you change to target workflow to past but when you click on a position of the WF space and right click there is no past option, that is where we need to be able to paste from menu in position because I can ctrl V and it will past the nodes but they land anywhere and need to search like crazy, maybe there is a shortcut to paste in visible WF space
Hey @acceptable-smartphone-22753
just flagging that you can also search by typing a node's name
you can find the search button on the lower left
That's the answer on what I was thinking about.
So the reason I want to have a solution for all this is because I am building let's say an R&D bot just for me where I have in different folders and WF all the different node sequences with all my notes, this way I can test everything under one bot then when I build a specific bot I just copy paste different groups of nodes, and not the entire template, that I can place in different WF, this is how I design watersport products in Rhino, I have my master file where I do all my testing and final elements then I copy paste the parts I need to create the final production file Just checked the search and this is what happens: 1- if you copy and paste 2 nodes from one workspace to another in the same bot and you search using the node name, only 2 show in one workflow. 2-I eliminated one of the 2 nodes in the original workflow and then search shows only 2 nodes in the destination workflow where we should also see 1 node in the original WF 3-If I change the name of the nodes in the original workflow all show in the search in WF. 4-If I select 1 node in 1 bot and right click copy I can right click in any WF and paste but I can not do this in another bot 5-If I select 2 nodes and ctrl C then go to another bot I can ctrl V and have my 2 nodes in the new bot in any WF, I can try to search, not always working by node name and find my nodes but when I click on the search result I go straight to the node but still I have no idea where it is located compared to the other nodes already on the WF space, if I click on zoom center I have nothing on my WF space because nodes are so far apart.
@mysterious-greece-6693 I think this is essential to have a practical fast way to set up a bot production line by having a working copy past across bots. I see that to accelerate bot adoption by customers who have no idea about this technology and even have a negative view of bots because of pre-GPT bots. They first need to see a pure AI-KB bot and usually they are impressed but quickly say that they can do it their self with for example or other simple AI bots, that's where I need to ask what additional functionalities that simple AI bots do not have would be useful for them, like for example capturing emails and other lead data, summarizing conversation and sending everything the there email every time a lead uses the bot. For this depending on what they need I want to past in pre-built nodes to be reactive and grow there interest as they view the potential for their business.