Button Options Show Under the Question Instead of ...
# 👀feature-requests
Hi Botpress, It would be great to see the **button options **show under the question they're meant for rather than at the bottom of the chat. Just like it looks in the Emulator. See the screenshot for more details.
I would second hat - looks quite crppy if you ask me, now - the emulator look is better
Question is whether that's more/less usable from an accessibility aspect? Considering the size of modern phones these days, they tend to be quite tall. I've attached a example of thumb zone comfort zones for context.
Thanks for sharing this @most-oil-31163 ! ❤️
@faint-pager-56395 fyi
@clean-xylophone-13519 Hey! Updates to the UX and UI are currently being worked on. However @most-oil-31163 is right here. I don't image we'll move them up further. I will work on making them look a letter better though.
You've made an interesting point.
Thanks Sid. That's great to hear.