Please make the summary agent more concise.
# 👀feature-requests
dare saying your prompting is off. This is not a summary of a chat, it is a third party observation. I just looked at it from the context in a new chat: context: 'Summary of the conversation:\n"""\nThe conversation is new and there are no previous messages to summarize. The user asked where the bot is located, but the bot requested more information to generate a meaningful answer. Sorry? This is a lot of text that is useless. A good summary would be ":User asked where I am located. I requested more information." - this can be done by prompting in the summary agent. I generally use a bulletes list journal: * User asked for location * Requested more information Here again the whole KB log header: { query: 'what is the price of pizza?', context: 'Summary of the conversation:\n"""\nThe conversation is new and there are no previous messages to summarize. The user asked where the bot is located, but the bot requested more information to generate a meaningful answer.\n"""\n\nTranscript:\n"""\nuser: s\nuser: where are you located?\nbot: I apologize, but the information provided is not sufficient for me to generate a meaningful answer. Could you please provide more details or clarify your question?\nuser: what is the price of pizza?\n\n"""', That is a LOT of words for little information. Again, this can e done by prompting 😉 Start with perspective (write a journal from the perspective of the AI, refer to yourself as "I" and the user as"User" - along that line) and then with a "short military bulleted list with only criticial information, as short as possible" - well, at least that was where I started. This token budget can then be used for better (longer) KB answers - IN PARTICULAR if those are not number but size limited. Instead of 5, fill X tokens.