I want to send previous messages to chatGPT but the 4K context window is too small for that. The other alternative would be using a vector database but BotPress doesn't directly support that so I need access to the larger context window of GPT-4.
They are planning on adding it
U arent the first person to want it
it is in the testing phase now 🙂
stay tuned!
Does that laos come with the larger 3.5? And - possibly a custom URL call with a credit for not using AI? I have some uses cases I could move over that use different AI (which incidentally enough today is often having an openai comaptible api)
with a credit for not using AI?
can you elaborate?
Does that laos come with the larger 3.5
Simple. If a workflow does not use any internal artificial intelligence, it should not count as a full input.
I have some uses cases I could move over that use different AI
you can call the other models, using the API call, but I don't think this is your question. I am sure you know that by now 😉
As per my understanding it doesn't, but @steep-wire-96122 here can give us more percise answers