Data Processing Agreement
# 🤝help
Hey there, I need some professional expertise from someone working in the data processing department at botpress. I am based in the EU and in the Data processing agreement in point 8. (see screenshot) it is made clear, that I need to enter a standard contractual clause with botpress. Is this done automatically when signing up or how can I get into this agreement with botpress? If you're from the botpress team, please contat me via email ( and send me such an agreement to sign. Thanks in advance
anyone here from the legal team?
Hey there, Its the weekend, so the team won't be here until tomorrow 🙂 Patience is key, when we are on the free plan🔑
sorry I'm also working on weekends, forgot that you guys need you time off too 😁 enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone
any news on this?
Just to make sure before we ping anyone. You have read all of the legal documents provided by Botpress right?
Hey there @fresh-fireman-491 . Yes I have read the legal documents and tried to understand them to the best of my ability. The screenshot linked to this is from the Data Processing Agreement. In this agreement it states that European Union customers have to enter in a standard contractual clause to ensure that everything is along the GDPR rules. Since I am based in Germany I am interested in entering such an agreement as it is necessary for me to legally use a botpress bot and ensure data safety. It could be that is contractual clause is automatically set when signing up from an EU country but I don't think so. Since data safety is important to me I would like to sign such a contractual agreement. Could you please ping someone from the legal team to get some clarity on this? I think it's important to everyone within the EU but few are aware of it.
I don't think that you have to sign anything when you are within Europe
What you sent a screenshot of is talking about processing the data in a third-country. My guess is that this is from a country outside of Europe
You can send an e-mail to, which is their legal team.
okay thank you will send them an email!
Sounds good. Let me know what you find out.
will do 🙌
I wanted to get back to this. I‘ve now sent multiple emails regarding this topic to the botpress legal team but did not get a single answer! Is there anyone here in discord from the legal team??
@fresh-fireman-491 do you know someone?
I am sad to hear that. I actually don't know who is a part of the legal team, but maybe someone like @crooked-van-25152 could enlighten us here?
thank you Decay!
Hey @lively-thailand-19907 - are you a paid customer? You don’t need the DPA to be GDPR compliant or working in the EU. DPA is indeed tied to a contract with us and is optional. It would be helpful to have some insights into your commercial usage of Botpress. Feel free to DM me.
Thanks Decay!
thank you for your answer but that’s not entirely correct. I‘ve sent you a DM hoping to get this figured out 🙂
Hey Sabrina! 🙂 I‘ve reached out to you regarding the DPA, my spending/commercial use of Botpress and my current disappointment with the situation of reaching some at Botpress. Please take a look into it or redirect me to someone else from the Botpress Team. I have clients waiting for over 4 weeks now.
I believe this has been solved already 🙂 @lively-thailand-19907 !
yes it has been solved with JB - thank you 🙂