How to reset a conversation to the beginning of th...
# 🤝help
Hey, guys, I have a start workflow that can be interrupted by a webhook. How to make the user workflow to be reset (something similar to //state/reset) with code?
Hi, I want to use webhooks but I am getting this error
Copy code
Error sending outgoing message {
  integration: 'webhook',
  messageType: 'text',
  payload: '{"type":"text","text":"Welcome to this accounting system!\\n\\nYou can ask any question you want about invoices, quotes, purchase bills, contacts and reports.","typing":true}',
  error: Bt [Error]: request/body must have required property 'conversationId'
      at Uc (/var/task/customer_code.js:11:77463)
      at Ht (/var/task/customer_code.js:11:77285)
      at v (/var/task/customer_code.js:11:89875)
      at /var/task/customer_code.js:11:79263
      at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
      at async Object.flushSendMessages (/var/task/customer_code.js:627:13193)
      at async Object.processEvent (/var/task/customer_code.js:648:1912)
      at async runDialogEngine (/var/task/customer_code.js:648:3669)
      at async startEventProcessing (/var/task/customer_code.js:648:3525)
      at async /var/task/customer_code.js:648:11152 {
    isApiError: true,
    code: 400,
    description: 'The request payload is invalid.',
    type: 'InvalidPayload',
    error: undefined,
    id: 'err_20240327173651xAF2A6232'
Where do I need to get the conversationId from to plug into the request body? I treid generating a random one myself and I got an error that it's invalid. Any ideas @User
I have not done anything like this, I think that the possibility to insert he conversation id into the webhook integration is a new feature. But I guess the conversation id should be available inside the webhook
From what you talked about about above it implies that you can have a normal conversation through the Webhook. How did you do that if not through the conversationId?
I usually send the 1st message with a whatsapp template in the webhook integration. But when the user responds, he goes through the start node
If you want check out this thread if your interested in keeping the conversation state and stuff
Oh, thanks for the advice! I will take a look there