Trying to get a loop to work
# 🤝help
Hey All, I'm trying to create a loop after the bot answers the question the first time to go back and ask if there's anything else and serve a reply. It does ask if there's anything else but doesn't return a reply after the first go round. It only loops to if there's anything else. See attached image and here's a video of the output - I have tested this in other botpress environments with the same results. Even on bot I've created that were working fine previously. Any suggestions/fix?
It looks like the knowledge card on your capture is not enabled?
Thanks for the info. I wasn't sure how to enable the knowledge card on the capture (could find it) but I changed the text card I was using to a raw input on 'knowMore' and it replied and looped back to 'moreHelp' but in arriving there it did not follow thru with asking "if there was anything else I can help you with?" Again, I'm trying to get it to loop until the user responds with 'no' to end the conversation.
The little things always count, lol
haha cool! glad it works 😄