create form
# 🤝help
hi all ... i've not found nothing about create a form to take information in only one step .. like name , email and textarea ... it's possible ? thank you
Hey there. You could ask the user with a Raw Input card for the needed information. Then use an AI Task to sort in to the variables.
It would be great if Form feature is added in Botpress, as we can collect all Information in single shot itself as it will be more straight forward than AI Task. @User @fresh-fireman-491
I added a typeform integration last week. That's what it's for 🙂
Thank you Decay!
Thank you so much @straight-wolf-37371 & @fresh-fireman-491, this is Awesome!, I am able to redirect user to form but my Typeform Event is not getting triggered after form submission, so i am not getting the user response. Is there any detailed documentation on this. It would be really helpful. Thanks in advance!
In the logs I do not see any error actually
I followed the instructions mentioned in the screenshot
In the conversation ID there in the trigger it should be {{ }}
That's correct. So you can't test events in studio anymore. You don't have a real conversation id
Do the same thing but published in the webchat
Ill talk to them about the error. And see if we can have it say something else when its coming from studio or something so its not so confusing
ok sure I'll try after publishing the bot, And see if we can have it say something else when its coming from studio or something so its not so confusing --> yeah it's really hard to debug the issue. Thanks @straight-wolf-37371
I also have 1 more query
Events that come in will show up in the trigger events section. And you can push those to the conversation in studio
do we need to select conversation or data as example for trigger or we need to enter "test" as you have shown in this video
Yup! Select the conversation. Tha'ts perfect you have your event there! So we know it came through. You can name it whatever you want, it doesn't have to named test or anything
Each event that comes in will show there. So if you trigger the typeform event again it you should have a second one show up that you can name whatever and test
@straight-wolf-37371 Thank you so much for the video shared and for resolving my queries . I'll give it a try!