agent handoff always trigger system
# 🤝help
Hi there, i was wondering how i can make it when the chat user ask for agent handoff the agent handoof starts. Because now its only when i set it in the node. i want the chat user always have the ability to say: "i want to talk with a human" I tried with triggers etc etc but never got it working. Love to see this working
Hey @most-jewelry-3972 are you using the Zendesk integration?

yess, but i don't think you understand my problem. Prbarly my bad english. I already have zendesk set up, and it works, but i want that it opens/start the agent handoff workflow that i made the second a user says in chat, "i want to talk with a human'
Can you share a report ID with us? @famous-jewelry-85388 could help here! He's a pro 🙂
Hey Barry, Currently how I did it in our Support bot is, I have a central AI task that analyze all user messages, and based on that analysis I direct the user to the right flow - including the human in the loop
@most-jewelry-3972 So the answer is: based on how you build your bot. You can use AI card (Task, Transition), you can use intents, you can use transition, etc. ... Maybe a hook, but I am not sure
that would work ig, i will try that!
Perfect! 🙂