Integration of Bot in Wordpress does not work
# 🤝help
I tried to integrate my bot into my Wordpress website as described in the video tutorials on the botpress chanel. First I installed the WPCode plugin, copied the webchat configurable code into the code snippets header & footer body section. When I now open the website, the button at the bottom appears, but it can't be clicked. Only when I scroll down on the website can I click on the button. Then the bot opens, but at full screen height, what I don't want. Every time I open the bot, the entire conversion is included again (even if I clear the cache). Is it possible to reset the bot when the website is called up again? Next attempt: I customized the bot with the Webchat Styler, copied the stylesheet URL and made the changes according to the video "Embed a chatbot". Now a large blue rectangle appears on the website, but not my bot. New attempt: I followed the instruction from the video "Embed a chatbot that talks first", without success. Next attempt: I copied the iframe-section from the previous try to WPCode header & footer. If I insert the code in the header section, the bot (or a part of thereof) appears above the header. This happens also when I paste the code into the body section. When I insert it into the footer section, a part of the bot appears below the footer. Perhaps someone here can help me or create a detailed video. I worked with Flowise for a while and embeding their chatbot was really simple.
Hi there, I advice to take a look here and try out the mentioned methods. Let me know how it goes:

Finally, after taking five days 😩 just to integrate it, my first Botpress chatbot is working on my website thanks to the video
