Two different bots have simultaneously stopped ans...
# 🤝help
I received feedback from a client that the bot didn't answer their question. I checked and it answered similar questions but not the exact one. So I added the exact one to the knowledge base and tested in the KB. Testing in the KB it answers but from the emulator it does not, and now it answers NO questions. Even ones it did before. FURTHER MORE. I've gone to another bot in a completely different workspace that used to work. I HAVEN'T MADE ANY CHANGES TO THAT AND NOW IT ANSWERS NO QUESTIONS! Sorry for the caps but it is the GPT down or something?
Update - I think this was a momentary glitch because its answering questions now. Although its not answering the new questions/answers I added to the Knowledge base document. It answers "What is IR35?" but doesn't answer "what is IR35?" even though I copied the answer and put a specific Q&A format "Question 2: what is IR35? Answer 2: IR35 is a "