How to fix this issue
# 🤝help
Basically, I made a KB raw input based system, and connected it to a node where 2 expressions are present, one where if the answer isn't found then it goes to a node saying to contact us or create a support ticket and the other asking if they have any other questions. But the thing is, both expressions run at the same time so it adds extra text, so even if there is an answer it basically tells, this answer is what's listed so contact us for more info, how do I fix this?
I don't think it is possible to run both at the same time
Can you show us the issue?
For more specific details about their services, it is recommended to contact PropyAI directly
it shows this text
after every answer
Can you take a screenshot of the issue when talking with the bot
I just tested it by removing the expression in which if theres no answer then say to contact us and it worked fine
one second ill make a short video
I dont want it to show like its from our kowledge base or for them to contact us for full info or anything such
Have you tried asking directly in your knowledge base the question?
Let me know what answer you get
Yep, doesn't happen there
what answer do you get
Hey there, just jumping in here 🙂 I would always recommend you to use turn.KnowledgeAgent.answer instead of .responded Just to clarify, it's the bot that adds the answer to the end of its message as a part of its response from the knowledge agent. If it ran both it would have sent a new message with the text. Here's a video on how to manipulate the answers from the knowledge base

alright thanks, could you go a bit more in depth, I don't really understand.
Also, just saying I am currently using this AI input "if answer is found then continue with this path" and it shows "event.kb.results.length > 0", so in the slightest chance that may be the issue then just letting you know.
You can replace that with an actual expression that you make. turn.KnowledgeAgent.answer
Which part
Just to clarify, it's the bot that adds the answer to the end of its message as a part of its response from the knowledge agent. If it ran both it would have sent a new message with the text.
That is true. That is why I sent that video, so you know how to manipulate its answers, and remove it.
kk ty
You are welcome