Botpress Facebook Bot Not Working
# 🤝help
Please I hooked up a botpress bot to Facebook for my client, it was working for everyone initially but the bot isn't working now, it is no more working for other people messaging it, it only works if my clients messages it with his account because it was hooked up on his page. Please I need help with this? What's the cause of this.
Hello @ancient-author-26489 can you confirm if META has reviewed an approved your App?
Thank you a million folds, I don't know why my brain skipped this, this must be my problem. Thank you very much.
Please, how do I go about it, because bots are different from applications. I just an AI fit assistant that people can use and develop meal plans, meaning it only requires messaging, no information collected. Please in the app review section on meta developer account, what permissions and features do I chose, and how do I go about the process, Have you done this before?
Hello @ancient-author-26489 I recommend going through Meta's documentation thoroughly. Here is a good starting point
Please remember that for the current messenger integration to work you must create a meta app that will serve as the platoform for managin the connection between Messenger and Botpress
Any idea how long the app review process takes?
From my experience once it is submitted Meta gets back to fairly quickly, but that is all on their side.
Thank you very much, I highly appreciate
In the last step of the meta app submission its asking me to Add Platform, currently platforms are Page Tab, Website, Android, iOS App. which one should i select?
Hello @rough-gold-76880 this depends on where your bot is going to be based out of. HEre is the Meta documentation on this topic
Thank you very much, messenger is skipping some of my chatbot messages, especially the long ones, why?
I would recommend checking messenger's documentation. They may have a character limit or something of that nature.