How Cron works?
# 🤝help
Hello everyone! I'm attempting to activate a cron job that will send users a daily Good morning message on WhatsApp. Additionally, when I click on "Discover events," nothing appears even after refreshing. Could someone please provide guidance? I'm having trouble understanding the documentation. thanks!
These are from January so I'm not sure if that's the case anymore: "**I guess the triggers are still limited to running code and cannot send messages,** which I knew because it always throws the error "conversationId needed". However, I tried using the triggers to execute code or send a JSON payload, which also needs a conversationId. And even though I provided them correctly (in the same way they work without triggers), I guess we can't use code that requires those with triggers (yet). If my thoughts are correct, consider adding those limitations to docs also. I think that's what causes the most confusion, bot builders think that cron triggers work for every task."
Hello @red-actor-82363 What you describe as trying to send in WhatsApp would be considered a business initiated message which requires an approved WhatsApp template. You will need to follow the directions itn the Starting a conversation proactivly portion for this work
Thanks Sara!
Can external npm libraries be imported into executable code cards? Or some other way? Thanks!
Have you looked over the Execute code documentation