Restaurant delivery bot
# 🤝help
Hey @wonderful-apple-88667 , only the Botpress team can load problem reports to see your bot. Could you share details of what issue you are having so that the community can try to help as well?
i posted in help my problem because someone from botpress tell me to do it like this
can i share my bot and community take a look at code?
Yeah this is the right way to get help from the team, but if you want the community to be able to assist you as well, you need to share some details in here too
Just screenshots of the faulty parts would be enough for now
so we can figure out what's happening
ok thanks
and an explanation of the error and expected behavior 😉
i post here?
that's right
ok thanks a lot
Anytime 🦾
In the first node i capture the user lang and with an Ai agent translator works very fine, in the second node i capture the user name and phone and it also works, but in the third step i capture the order from user, and quantity and i have an error. I added aded an option to end the order if user want to end and also to show the order before finish all the order with all food it can be too much long. Just to see the error. When the user answer to end the bot must go to calculate order and is at this point i get an error: Transitioned - Main:Calculate_order_4 Executing Calculate and display the total price of a user's order.... Error Occured Transitioned - Error:On_Error Transitioned - Error:Handler
Thanks for the info
The error is happening in the "Calculate and display the total...." code
Could you send a screenshot of the code as well?
But the bot is not capturing the price and don't show it to the user
make sure that workflow.orderArray is 'Type: Array'
I don't know if that's the issue in your case, sometimes changing those has solved my bot's problems
thanks for the answer. i just changed to Object and nothing is recorded. The workflow do n't show any errors but the user can't see how much it cost his order, and what he ordered.
Maybe it is possible to fail something like userOrderPrice....?? / But normally this is set in the code (Assign selected item price)
Please export your bot and share to check the issue
I have lost my bot, I don't know what happened. I have exported another bot in the same place where I was editing my bot in order to add what was exported to my existing bot and it turns out that my bot has been replaced and I don't know how to recover it
i'm so stupid, i spend a day
Lols, you imported a bot on your existing bot code. There is no return. If you have exported the lost bot, import that over, if not, its gone