Webhooks integration not identifying conversationI...
# 🤝help
Hi there, so I've setup the webhook integration on my bot, and I've populated the conversation ID field on the trigger node. I've deployed my bot on Telegram, and I recently tested the webhook by sending data to it but for some reason its failing to find the conversation ID. I've attached the error message I'm getting in the logs, aswell as what I've put in the trigger field. Any help would be greatly appreciated! https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1227642082294759505/1227642082567520307/Screenshot_2024-04-10_at_22.25.00.png?ex=662925c8&is=6616b0c8&hm=0aa1fd2b1249cefe779415a1eff79ae6cff99e0629728e9d652eb034acf9e4af& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1227642082294759505/1227642082923909130/Screenshot_2024-04-10_at_22.25.24.png?ex=662925c9&is=6616b0c9&hm=5d3e0895fcd0138ded3dc146899d5fc8c9fa1d4afaeb97a6766e7692f8beef0b&
Hi, I see in the log and the HTTP request content that you are sending
field. You need send
field. Try rename it
Did you try setting event.coversationId = event.payload.conversation?
Yep, tried both of those but didn't seem to fix it
Looks like you are trying to 1. Discover event.conversationId on the trigger, while you are received conversation 2. The error message is coming from one of the text cards, not sure which. Assuming it is the first card in Standard2. Can you remove discover Disconnect the trigger from standard2 and connect it to a new node and in that add an execute card. Inside the execute card write a console.log(event.payload.body) and get the output from the logs
Update: I think I've figured it out! Will let you know if anything changes but I think I've solved it
That is great to know @silly-school-68907 . Hope it works for you