Whatsapp Integration : Unexpected Messaging Behavi...
# 🤝help
Hello everyone !! Thanks in advance for your help !! I love this community . I ´ve created 2 chatbots (A and B ) and managed to integrate each with a unique Whatsapp Phone number and eventually generate a Permanent Token for each under the same Business . The idea is to have my own bot for my company (bot A) and have several Whasatpp phone number for "test" so my clients can check the progression of their bots in a Whatsapp account to "hook them" later to theirs......or provide a phone number and work under my company. After a couple of weeks of working with this two bots , bot B starting replying with bot A questions all mixed together. Tried to re-connect bot A , delete META apps for everything, change Access Tokens, revoke permanent Tokens....the only thing that worked was to disconnect bot A integration. I´ve been for several days looking for the problem but haven t been able to find ti ......read in https://botpress.com/docs/cloud/channels/whatsapp/ that : "Experiencing replies from the wrong numbers? Disable the advanced permission for whatsapp_business_management. This adjustment is crucial because advanced permissions can interfere with how messages are routed, leading to responses from multiple numbers instead of the intended one. Reverting to basic permission settings ensures messages are directed correctly, solving this issue."
Which i think is exactly my scenario , so I´ve tried to revoke permanent tokens for both bots and reapply without whatsapp_business_management , also reviewd web hook for each single app to avoid this permission , but nothing works aside from disconnecting bot A. Now after all this mess Bot B and Bot A reply the same thing.....even thou bot A integration is disconnected....and it shouldn t work.. Can some one help me troubleshoot or find the issue with this integration ? Is there any way to troubleshoot the integration to find the issue or to just clean slate everything ? It s paramount for my business model to be able to run several numbers with several bots and not having issues with routing....
Hey guys, I once experienced the same scenario and I solved it by creating separate workspaces for my bots. It was happening when 2 bots from the same workspaces are connected to META, but once you put in separate workspaces the messages stop getting mixed. Hope this helps and also let me know when you find a solution that allows for them to run in same workspace
well.....they are not in the same workspace......mmmm guess i ll erase everything , phone numbers, Meta apps .....export bots...re inport....and start the full process... Im not a developer so its very hard to find the problem.....there most be somewhere a bad connection between bot / phone number ....or maybe a missing META thing ? Meta is not very helpfull....i m not even able to send help request or live support at all...
if this happens each time i have a new client and need to test its on going bot on whatsapp its going to be a mess....
tried to delete bots, Meta apps , move workspaces , re-connect integration ........and as soon as I add the webhook permissions for the bots they start mixing everytrhing again , seems there is a disconnect betrween the phone number and the bot . I ve also tried to remove all permisions except for Messages and still the robots are mizing everything ....maybe im doinf something wrong adding the whatsapp phone number ?
connected 3 bots to 3 different phone numbers.....and all get mixed togehter.....
All your bots are under the same facebook page. I fixedd this myself but my idea was that there is an ednpoint/webhook/API/module that is similar and being used by bots in a similar workspace. So if you can find tat endpoint then you can be able to create a separate one for each bot
how did you fixed it ? Yes i do understand the problem but can t find it nor correct it
im not a developer myself but willing to pay for you time if you tech me how to solve it or troubleshoot...
@hundreds-battery-97158 willing to pay to fix it , can you help ?
Hey bro, still facing the same issue?
yes, but found a way to solve it....
Just created several business accounts and added to each a phone number....surprisingly they don t need to ber verified to work , s that solves the problem
if i try to get two phone numbers in one business account it starts to entagle itself...so even thoug i couldn t solve i found a hack i guess...
For any one using Botpress native Whatsapp intgration , found a way to make it work : 1.- Verify you WABA account as a business 2.- I requested to be a tech provider to META 3.- Seems like you can only have one whatsapp phone no per business account, so crete new business accounts, add phone number , payment method and create META app as in the documentation from botpress