"AI Spend" and cost of total tokens
# 🤝help
Hi, I noticed that the cost of total tokens used (shown in the log window of the chatbot studio) after a workflow was completed (e.g., a series of Q&As between the user and the chatbot until a final conclusion was reached) did not seem to match with "Total" in Usage-AI Spend (shown in the Workspace-Usage). For example, according to the log, after a workflow was completed, the cost shown in the log was $0.0030. However, when I immediately checked the Usage page, the cost was shown to be $0.01. Could someone help me understand how the pricing of AI Spend work, please?
Hello, In the main menu, they give you your total expenses, i.e. the sum of your various conversartions? That's why at the end of a workflow the amount is lower than on the home page. I hope I've answered your question.
Thank you, Thomas. Yes, that's true. But I was referring to the change of the AI Spend amount on the Usage page. For example, initially, before I ran a conversation, the total AI Spend was $1.17. After I ran one conversation (one workflow completed), the total AI Spend became $1.18. So, the change was $0.01. However, the billed total tokens shown on the logs (the chatbot workflow studio) was $0.0021 for that conversation. Why the difference? Maybe I misunderstood something on how the token charging works.
It's possible they round it up
Maybe because you used the AI other times (kb agent, summary agent, ai task), the total tokens displayed is for a single processing, so it would be more for a whole conv https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1234137129483898940/1234488414263312467/image.png?ex=6630ea6d&is=662f98ed&hm=acb40048aa9726f854701e674f39744df8e4c527ff5e7cf12e49a4bdc1b4232e&
@rich-battery-69172 @User we need a better way to see the times where AI was used and the credits spent, it's not easy/possible to view that list at the moment. It could be a section like "Events", but inside the Usage tab
Thank you. Yes, I did use the AI support like you mentioned. They were all turned on. Yes, that's the "total tokens cost" I was referring to. Yours shows $0.0057. But I think the change displayed in the AI Spend should've been higher than that if you had the opportunity to observe it. I can understand if using the AI support will cost more. What I don't understand is why they are displayed differently.
what do you mean by AI support?
Could it be possible you were billed twice and you saw just one log? That would explain why the usage is higher
I mean like AI Generate, AI Task, Execute code, and Agents (Summary Agent, Translator Agent).
Okay, got you